PhD students from the Nencki Institute among the laureates of the ETIUDA competition
Prof. Bożena Kamińska, member of the EPTHERON consortium, among the winners of STRATEGMED competition
In the recent STRATEGMED competition the EPTHERON Consortium (EPigenetic THerapies in ONcology) composed of Selvita, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, ...Brain Tumors 2014 – from Biology to Therapy Conference
Brain Tumors 2014 - from Biology to Therapy Conference will be held on June 26-28th at the Nencki Institute, Neurobiology Center. This is the second international conference focused on recent ...“Animals in the lens” at the Nencki Institute
On 2 June, 2014 at the Exhibition Hall of the Nencki Institute (Center for Neurobiology) an exhibition will be held entitled Animals in the lens. The exhibition will present the best works ...18. Scientific Picnic-The Nencki Institute tent visited by 6000 guests
The 18. Scientific Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre was held on May 31th, 2014. This year’s motto was: TIME. As every year more than 200 scientific institutions from ...