
Nencki Institute Closer To Nature

On the 30th May, 2014 at the Nencki Institute PAS (Conference hall of Neurobiology Centre) a May science meeting was held called “The Nencki Institute Closer To Nature”. During the meeting lectures were delivered by prof. Joanna Pijanowska (Biology Department WU), prof. Wieslaw Bogdanowicz (Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS), prof. Marek Konarzewski (Mammal Research Institute PAS), prof. Leszek Kuźnicki (Nencki Institute) as well as prof. January Weiner (Institute of Enviromental Sciences ...

The Nencki Institute’s Mission

On the 11th April 2014 The Scientific Council of the Nencki Institute had a meeting and at the request of the Division of Biological and Agricultural Sciences PAS, passed a resolution concerning ...